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Lighting Design

Lighting became a favorite of mine in the early '90's. A passion for the effect it creates on people, the audience, perfomer, overall event and how integral it was to the success of a production of any kind.

A glance at images in my Lighting Design History.
The Nymphs of Wildebeast

The Nymphs of Wildebeast

Holy Ghost at Toro Canyon

Holy Ghost at Toro Canyon

Yes...did the lighting and was able to get on stage and sing back up vocals!



Working with Pescadrome Art Group and Bamboo DNA for an interactive live event.

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost

Wildebeast Pescadrome

Wildebeast Pescadrome

Willdebeast Music

Willdebeast Music

Jill Avery on Bass

Wildebeast the Hero

Wildebeast the Hero

Sang Everdiki

Sang Everdiki

SoHo Stage

SoHo Stage

Getting things ready for an awesome new look for the stage.

Wildebeast Audience

Wildebeast Audience

Leon Russell

Leon Russell

Got the new lighting system installed at SoHo just in time for Leon to take the stage.



The lovely Goddess's

SoHo Stage

SoHo Stage

Looks so much better now.

Leon Russell

Leon Russell

I was running the lights and taking pictures, a bit blurry...oh well!



Meighann Fire Lady

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